Software Engineer (Angular)

Name *

Email *

Phone Number *

Resume *

Resume *

Address *

Are you meant for the job?

Are you familiar with mixins and variables in SASS? *

Are you familiar with data-binding, event-binding and property-binding? *

Are you familiar with Pipes and Directives in angular? *

Are you familiar with the concept of “Reactive” forms? *

Are you familiar with data communication between components through event emitters? *

Are you familiar with the concept of Life cycle hooks in Angular? *

Are you familiar with Angular Bootstrap and any other third party angular plugins like Angular material, ng-zorro, apex-chart, etc? *

Are you familiar with the concept of Guards in Angular? *

On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you in using `Observables` and `Promises`? *

On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your familiarity with handling API calls through RxJs Mapping operators? *

Are you familiar with the concept of Lazy Loading and Eager Loading? *

Are you familiar with the concept of data handling through Stores? *

On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your proficiency in writing tests for angular projects? *